Highschool Fustel de Coulanges, Strasbourg (1948)

At the meeting of Tunis (1996)

Studies and Diplomas (Strasbourg, France)

  1. Bachelier (Sciences expérimentales) 1953

  2. Licencié ès-Sciences (Sciences Naturelles) 1956

  3. Agrégé de Sciences Naturelles 1958

  4. Docteur ès-Sciences 1963

Teaching and Research

– Faculty of Sciences, Strasbourg (1956–1967)

  1. Assistant Lecturer (1956), Agreed Lecturer (1958), Junior Lecturer (1961–67)

–University of Rheims (1967–1995)

  1. Senior Lecturer (1967), Professor without cathedra (1975), Full Professor

  2. Director of the Laboratory of Animal Biology

  3. Retired October 7, 1995. Back to Alsace

– Teaching matters

        Zoology, marine biology, cell biology and genetics, embryology and developmental biology,

         comparative endocrinology, neurobiology, zootechnics, ethology, ecology

– Research topics

  1. Doctoral thesis (1963) on the structure and fonctions of the hypothalamo-hypopsyseal system of chondrichthyan fishes

  2. Papers on the development, growth and reproduction of chondrichthyan fishes

  3. Please have a look at the lists of publications